This analysis shows your Social Security breakeven age comparing early vs. late claiming. The idea is this: If you start Social Security benefits early, you will receive more checks but the amount will be permanently reduced. The breakeven analysis shows the age at which cumulative benefits from the later claiming analysis begin to exceed cumulative benefits from the early claiming analysis. Quite simply, if you—and/or your spouse if you are married— expect to live longer than the breakeven age, you would be better off delaying the start of benefits to the later age in order to receive more total lifetime benefits
Social Security Simple Breakeven Analysis Report
In order to perform the calculation, we will need your first name, date of birth and primary insurance amount (PIA) and the two claiming ages that you'd like to compare. We will also need the estimated life expectancy for each individual, see the ages below.
Please provide life expectancy.
Woman much shorter than average 78
Woman shorter than average 83
Woman average 87
Woman longer than average 91
Woman much longer than average 96
Man much shorter than average 76
Man shorter than average 80
Man average 84
Man longer than average 88
Man much longer than average 92